my work with portfolio

my work

hello i am a yr8 hockerill student i am 13yrs old and here is my work is about many quizzes and this could teach you about internet safety and there are also fun quizzes, i hope you can enjoy!

my most facourite quizz is the magical world of disney, also please check out the booklet because this can be very important.

things that i find interesting

what i find intersing is traveling, this is because you learn lots of cultural things taht you didn't know before, and you discover new tthings around the world.

playing sports, because you become active and its very copetitive which is what i like, so my favourite sports are swimming, rounders and hockey.



quizzes about extrodinary animals quizzes about the magical world of disney
ELIZABETH.F E-SAFETY CT Play now! CT QUIZ Play now in the magical world of Disney
5. computer basics (2)
here are the facts o basic computer infomation